2022 U.S. Finn Nationals Results

The Finn U.S. National Championship had one of the best showings in the last few years, with close to 40 boats on the starting line. The variety of conditions was almost perfect for the Finn Class. Winds ranging from 8 to 30 knots gave competitors a wide range of options to showcase their skills, physique, and stamina.

Leading the fleet from day one, Eric Lidecis (USA 505) and Craig Monk (NZL 237) fought till the last race. Despite more “bullets” under Craig’s belt, Eric showed more consistency and took the 2022 U.S. National Championship Trophy home. Steady behind with 24 points, Craig Monk in the second, and Anatolii Nosar (UKR 7), with 32 points in the third.

The top Youth sailor Peter Sangmeister (USA 86), took home the perpetual Bev Coutts Youth Trophy, donated to the USAFA by the Coutts family in 2021.

Complete Results

The 2023 Finn U.S. Nationals are scheduled at the North Cape Yacht Club in the Summer or Fall of 2023.

The next big events are the 2022 Masters North American Championship in Rochester, NY and the 2023 Finn Gold Cup in Miami, FL.

Pre-register (no payment required) today at:

  1. https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eid=14917
  2. https://www.fgcmiami2023.com/

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Rodion Mazin